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Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. How do I become a member?

A. If you would like to become a member please click on “Join” above and complete the Membership & Commitment Form. We would love to have you on board!


Q. How long do the meetings last?
A. Meetings will take no more than one hour.  We aim to start at 7:00PM and should be all done by 8:00PM. There are opportunities to socialize both before and after the formal part of each one-hour meeting.


Q. I’m a new member: what should I expect at a meeting?
A. Expect to be greeted by a volunteer, and asked to sign in, and put a name tag on. This is a good opportunity confirm your contact info as well.

At some stage, we may ask you if you would like to have your photo taken for our gallery, and/or a short video of why you became a member. This is totally voluntary.


  •  6:30 Registration, networking and bar opens

  •  7:00 Meeting begins

  •  Opening remarks

  •  How voting will take place

  •  Announce the three Charity finalists

  •  Each charity presents – 5 minutes each, no PowerPoint or collateral materials

  •  There is a short question and answer after each presentation

  •  Voting  – each member will join a group to vote (lemming vote)

  •  Announce the winning recipient (by simple majority)

  •  Members write their cheques to the recipient charity

  •  Cheques are collected and presented to the charity

  •  8:00 Post-event networking

  • Email will follow with updates and a donation link for those that prefer to donate online.

Q. Is my donation tax deductible?
A. Yes, by the charity chosen to be the recipient.  Your $100 cheque or online doantion is given directly to the charity, NOT to ‘100+ Men Guelph’ (because we don’t have a bank account or a treasurer!).  Tax receipts will be issued to you directly by the charity. Please don’t contact 100+ Men Guelph for your tax receipt – contact the charity direct if you have not received your tax receipt in short order.

Q. What if I cannot attend a meeting?
A. If a member cannot attend a quarterly meeting, he should send his regrets to and do one of the following before the meeting:


Place your blank $100 cheque in an envelope marked “100+ Men Guelph” and give it to your ‘buddy’ or a fellow member who will be going to the meeting. Or you can donate online using the link sent out after the meeting.


Q. Can I just give you four post-dated $100 cheques?
A. Ideally no – because we want to see you at our meetings. But if you’re not a Guelph resident, or you know you’re going to miss all the meetings, contact us and we’ll see if we can help.

Q. I don't live in Guelph: can I still join? How do I take part from a distance?
A. We’re sorry to hear you don’t live in Guelph. But that should not prevent you from becoming a member. All are welcome! Just connect with a ‘buddy’ who will be attending our quarterly meetings and get your cheques to him ahead of time or follow along online.

Q. Is membership limited to 100 men?
A. No, that would not be fair to the charities, would it? If we can make a BIG impact with 100 men, why not invite a friend and make an even BIGGER impact? Remember, we’re doing this for the charities and our community, not just for us.

Q. Can I bring a friend to a quarterly meeting?
A. Yes! Guest are welcome and we would love for them to join us as a member!

Q. What do you do with my personal information?
A. 100+ Men Guelph collects your personal information (including name, email address, phone number) strictly for the purpose of keeping in contact with our members.


We maintain two lists: a membership database and a Member Directory. The membership database is used by the organizers to get in touch with our members. The Member Directory is used by the members so that they can get in touch with each other (to give your cheque to a friend if you cannot attend a meeting).


The membership database contains your name, email address and phone number. The Member Directory contains only your name and phone number.


100+ Men Guelph will not sell, give or otherwise share your personal information with any third party without your express consent, unless required to do so by law.


We may occasionally recognize our members via social media and other media: if a member wants to remain anonymous they must let us know at the time of joining.


We will never rent out, sell or give away your personal information. Ever.



Q. How do I nominate a charity?
A. There are two ways to nominate a charity:


1. When a member joins or renews, they may nominate up to three charities.


2. Members have a second opportunity in the weeks prior to a quarterly meeting. The charity nomination form is sent by email only to members in good standing.


Q. How are the three presenting charities chosen?
A. Members nominate charities on joining or renewal, and again in the weeks before each quarterly meeting. All those nominated charities go into a database, which is then weeded of ineligible organizations (click here for eligibility requirements). The remaining eligible charities are put into a hat and three organizations are drawn at random three weeks before a quarterly meeting. The three organizations are invited to give a short five-minute presentation at the meeting. If a charity declines, or is unable to present, another charity is chosen from the database. The identity of the three presenting charities is not revealed until the meeting is underway.

Q. Which charitable organizations are eligible for consideration by the group?
A. Local charities supporting local Guelph projects are preferred although we also welcome national charities as long as they have specific support for Guelph based projects.  We want to support registered charities that have the ability to give tax receipts for donations.  We are not political, religious or lobbyists so charities focused on those functions are not preferred but if a charity happens to be run by a religious or political group that runs projects open to the Guelph community at large with no other restrictions, that would be great.  

Q. Can a charity nominate itself?
A. No, charities may only be nominated by a member. Our members are not just interested in nominating and donating – they want to learn about local causes. They may want to volunteer, sponsor or serve on a board or committee. They may even become a regular donor or benefactor. Our members and supporters will find out about your charity in our social media discussions and posts.  By getting yourself known to our members, you will get yourself nominated. Then it’s down to the ‘luck of the draw’ which three will present on the night. Good luck.

Q. How much of my donation goes to the administration costs of 100+ Men Guelph?
A. Absolutely zero! 100+ Men Guelph is organized and operated entirely by volunteers. We have no treasurer and we have no bank account – because we don’t collect, spend or donate anything. 100% of funds raised at a meeting go directly to the chosen charity! Every last cent/nickel!

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